I finally got around to doing something with the etchings that I did recently. I cut one of the etchings out and filed it into shape. I then drilled a couple of holes in it and shaped them to my wrist. Getting the right curve in the brass was pretty difficult, and I ended up spending a lot of time tapping the piece with a hammer trying to get things just right. Once I was satisfied, two rivets secured the piece to a bracelet that I’d made for it.

To keep a nice edge on the leather bracelet, I cut a strip that was twice as wide as I wanted it and folded the edges over. I used craft glue to keep them in place. I’m pretty satisfied with how it worked out.
The leather store had pretty nice magnetic snaps, which are much easier to use than buttons. The only problem is that they’re thick. The snap doesn’t stand out too much if you’re not looking for it, but I think if I make another bracelet I’ll try the standard buttons.