DSP, Robotics, and the OODA loop

Observe, orient, decide, act. Then do it all again.

This loop, known as the OODA loop, was originally developed by Colonel John Boyd to describe why American fighter pilots in Korea out-flew MIGs with better top speeds and altitudes. The American jets could respond faster, so even though they couldn’t go as fast they could be agile enough to take out the enemy. The American pilots (because of their jet design) had a short OODA loop.

After the Korean war, Colonel Boyd used what he’d learned to push through the development of the F-16. He then spent the rest of his life applying the idea of the OODA loop to everything: grand strategy, procurement, the meaning of life.

In spite of spending his life popularizing the OODA loop, he didn’t actually write much. If you look for primary material on the loop, you get this 400 page PDF of transparencies from 1987. While those slides are interesting, they’re almost exclusively concerned with grand strategy and military doctrine.

There’s a lack of clear primary sources about OODA loops applied to anything other than warfare. Despite this, there’s still a lot of interest in OODA loops for things like procurement, human psychology, and even (somewhat) in robotics. Most of what you can find seems to be people riffing on what John Boyd had done originally, so I’m going to do the same thing by looking at Digital Signal Processing through the lens of the OODA loop.

Observe = Sample

Signal processing is largely seen as being concerned with what you do after you have a signal, but you always need to start with how the signal is gathered. To observe a signal well you need to think about questions such as

  1. what type of signal am I measuring (acceleration? radio?)
  2. what frequencies are of interest (so you can sample at the right rate)
  3. what are the smallest and largest signals you need to resolve (to determine quantization and gain)

There are whole courses taught to help people think about and answer these questions.

Orient = Transform and Filter

Once you have your signals, you need to put them in a usable format. The orient stage of the OODA loop is concerned with learning what you can from what you’ve observed, which in DSP terms means removing noise, transforming to useful domains, etc.

This is the heart of signal processing. Most of what you may think of as core signal processing falls in this step. All of the various types of transforms (Fourier, wavelet, etc.) are ways of viewing a signal in a more useful format. By choosing the domain in which the signal makes the most sense, you make it easier to pick out what’s important and ignore what isn’t via filtering.

The Kalman filter is another good example of this. One of the first steps of a Kalman filter is to apply a measurement matrix to your incoming signals. This measurement matrix transforms your sensor data into a domain that’s actually useful to you. You can then combine this transformed data (often in a state-space format) with what you already know to come up with a precise estimate of your current orientation (aka state).

Deciding and Acting

Beyond signal processing, you get into questions about what you want your signal for and what to do once you have it. These are questions that often lead into other domains, such as communications theory, control theory, and robotics.


In communications, you’re just sending signals back and forth to transmit data. In this case, your decision stage ends up being to determine what bits were sent. This is done through some combination of thresholding transformed signals, error corrective coding, etc. Your act loop may be to simply send a signal back.


One of the pre-dominant paradigms of robotics prior to the 1980s was called the Sense-Plan-Act loop. The loop is similar to Boyd’s OODA loop, and the final step is the same in both. The three steps of observe-orient-decide are smashed into only two steps of sensing and planning here.

While I haven’t seen anyone argue this explicitly, the way the Sense-Plan-Act loop is used makes me think that the Orient and Decide steps are combined into a single plan step. For simple problems this seems straightforward, but in complex problems the orient step can be much more difficult than the decide step. If a robot knows what is going on around it, planning and deciding gets much easier.

For example, it seems like much of the difficulty in the self-driving world is actually observing and orienting. Planning and deciding for a self-driving car may be much easier. Route planning has been a solved problem for a long time, there are clear legal rules for how a vehicle must behave in certain conditions, and vehicle dynamics are well studied for cars on paved streets.

Just thinking about things as “planning” doesn’t necessarily prepare a designer to focus their efforts on what is likely to be difficult in robotics.

That said, the robotics state-of-the-art has moved on from both Sense-Plan-Act and OODA. Most cutting edge robots these days run ROS, which is a microservices architecture. ROS runs many different nodes in parallel, each gathering data and emitting outputs constantly. All of the steps of an OODA loop are performed, but not really in a loop at all (though you could view each ROS node as implementing an OODA loop of its own).

OODA loop is orienting on its own

I’m personally interested in the OODA loop in large part because it guides optimization during systems design. By explicitly breaking a problem into those domains, it makes clear what you’re trying to do with your sampling, your filtering, and so on. If you’re actively thinking about the OODA loop when you need to be making a decision, it might already be too late for it to help you. The time to use the OODA loop is when you’re deciding how to decide.

By thinking about your procedure through the lens of the OODA loop, you can recognize if you’ve sufficiently supported each element of the loop. This is the main reason that Sense-Plan-Act in robotics isn’t as good. It doesn’t adequately separate the sensing or planning from the very important step of orienting.

Venkatesh Rao talks a bit about this use of the OODA loop to do meta-planning here, but he seems to focus too much on meta-orienting and not enough on orienting during your mission.

In general I think the ROS paradigm of always executing microservice nodes that exchange information makes the most sense for real-time applications that have a lot of complexity. What the OODA loop can do is point you at possible node-types that you’re missing.